கடந்த வருட பரீட்ச்சை வினாத்தாள்களை இங்கே பதிவிறக்கம் செய்யலாம்
Students can study Interstate Languages courses through a community language school or as part of a school program. These courses are available to students in Year 11 and Year 12.
In addition, Year 12 students can register with the Authority, through their main school, to sit only the external examination in an Interstate Language as a non-school candidate, provided they sit external examinations in at least three other ATAR courses in the same year, so that the language examination mark can be scaled. The mark of the external examination can contribute towards the calculation of the student’s ATAR used for university entrance.
Read more about the Interstate Languages at https://senior-secondary.
Tamil, as an Interstate Language has been borrowed from VCAA, Victoria. Students preparing to sit the external examination in Tamil as a non-school candidate can find useful exam preparation materials from https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.